Platform Guidelines
Building your first app

Building your first app

Let's create functionality for a license plate detector.

Step 1: Create Pipeline

First, we need to create a pipeline. A pipeline is a series of layers (computer vision functions) that we want to be linearly executed on the input. In this case, we want to create a pipeline to detect license plates on cars.

This would require the following layers:

1. Vehicle Detection: Use our existing vehicle detection model to detect all vehicles on the image.

Press "Add Layer" and add a Vehicle Detection layer to your pipeline. Name it whatever you want

2. License Plate Detection: Use our zero-shot learning object detection layer to detect the license plate for each car.

Add a General Object Detection layer to your pipeline, then add license plate as a label to detect

3. Optical Character Recognition (OCR): Use our OCR layer to recognize the text for each license plate.

Add a OCR layer to your pipeline, set the language, and set to "Recognition"

You pipeline should look like this now

Step 2: Query our API

1. Press the Integrate button on the right side of the screen and copy the code snippet in your preferred language.

2. Paste the code snippet into your project and run it.

3. View Analytics on the API dashboard


Don't hesitate to reach out for help. Our discord server is the best spot to reach us!

Last updated on September 26, 2023